All legacy dumpsites to be remediated under Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0: Hardeep Singh Puri
All legacy dumpsites containing 16 crore metric tonnes of waste, and occupying 15,000 acres of prime land, will be remediated within the Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) 2.0. period under the 'Lakshya Zero Dumpsite Challenge', Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs Hardeep Singh Puri said at the inaugural event of Swachh Shehar Samvad and Tech Exhibition held in the Capital on September 29.
Speaking about the 'Lakshya Zero Dumpsite Challenge', he noted that Action Plans for over 1,000 legacy dumpsites, including those in Delhi, containing 12.8 crore metric tonnes waste have been approved by MoHUA, with total project cost of more than Rs 8000 crore, of which the Centre is contributing almost Rs 3,000 crore.